Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Run 814 May 20 is near Bangunan Bakti Hasmah TTDI

  • Run 814 is by "B" Koh and Soh
  • May 20, 2014 Tuesday 6pm
  • Bangunan Siti Hasmah in Taman Tun Dr Ismail


  1. Scribe report by Uncle Yap:

    Run 814
    Hares : Mr & Mrs Ng Lai Chong aka Ah B Kor & Ah B Soh
    Runsite : Rumah Bakti, TTDI
    Weather : Threatening at first but after bomoh's invocation, benign
    and calm and DRY

    The run was supposed to be hire-hared by Peter Pan; so everybody
    expected a tough run or as Uncle Yap puts it "Si-you yat kor san,
    si-you yat kor yan" (less one hill, less one turn)

    The trail led to the Hash House site and thereafter to a series of
    up's and down's. Then when we were all at the top, the paper bits
    indicated that we should all go down and down we all obediently went,
    not without Jennifer Kuan shouting "Falsy trail eh?" every now and

    We landed at the park trail for the occasional walker/runner and since
    Uncle Yap is a diligent rate-payer, he wanted to check out what his
    rates monies went to. He walked the entire path back to civilisation.

    Of the diligent hashers, Mike Kuan, Arthur Hoi (sorry, Wendy Lum has
    been sidelined with an injury sustained while she was sitting down
    resting at the RLC gym !!!) and the usual suspects came in before the
    hour mark.

    We all sat and waited for the stragglers and clapped when people like
    Mavis Wong and Cecilia Yap came in. Last in were Chin FK and Ng Boon
    Puey who actually took a short cut to get home earlier ... but they
    came in last; which goes to bolster the theory that all hashers have
    IQ below 40

    Dinner (aka on, on, on !) was at Esquire, a lovely establishment and
    we all tucked in with gusto after singing a birthday song to the main
    hare. Two bottles of single malt plus a few cans of black stuff known
    as Guinness Stout made their rounds and a good time was had by all,
    dressed in a deep-red t-shirt courtesy of the hares

    Nest week ; In run by Prema and Prema's husband

  2. Dear Mismanagement Team,

    Last nite circle was held far to early for an out run, the norm for an out run should be 815 or latest 830 depending on the run trail and the mood of the GM, The last runner came back i believe at 745.

    If there is a need to be at the restaurant ealry perhaphs GM can use his powers to hold circle at the restaurant itself instead of rushing the good times. Moreover,, no announcements were made at site on the shift of time during my short beer time there.

    Kind regards,

    GM Veloo.

  3. On Sec says:

    Uncle Yap forgot to mention that the hares sponsored a collared t-shirt for this run and that 2 Datos were grinning teeth to teeth on account of the said t-shirts matching the colour of their respective wheels (cars). On on "B" Koh and Soh, happy birthday and thank you for your freebies!

  4. GM Johan says:

    Dear Veloo, Thanks for your comments. I agree with you but the hare and several others informed me that the restaurant had requested for us to be there by 8.30. Anyway we got there past 9pm and only started dinner at 9.30. I have had numerous comlaints that dinner is always too late. On on. GM Johan.
